Basic number theory outcome from discrete mathematics
Basic number theory outcome from discrete mathematics

"I collaborated on this assignment with (students in class), got help from (people other than collaborators and course staff), and referred to (citations to sources other than the class material from this term and Fall '02)". "I worked alone and only with course materials",


Be sure to complete the full collaboration statement on the cover page: Complete the information called for on the cover page and attach it as the first page of your submission. The last page of each problem set has a cover page for use when you submit the problem set. Solutions to the problem sets will be provided immediately after the due date. So problem sets enable you to lock in partial credit towards an "A", but cannot harm your grade. However, there is no penalty for incorrect or omitted problems: any credit you miss on problems will be reallocated to your quizzes and/or final. Problem sets will count for up to 30% of the final grade. Problem Sets are normally due at the beginning of Monday lecture.ĭoing the problem sets is, for most students, the best way to master the course material. Problem-solving participation counts for 25% of the grade and will be graded mainly on degree of active, prepared participation, rather than problem-solving success. We believe that the team problem solving activity is a key learning experience.

basic number theory outcome from discrete mathematics basic number theory outcome from discrete mathematics

A TA will act as a team coach, providing hints and explanations as requested. Team Problem SolvingĪpproximately half the class meeting time will be devoted to problem-solving in teams of 5-7 students. These are generally assigned on Monday and due Wednesdays by 1pm. See the calendar section for exact schedule. Reading from Class Notes and Problem Sets are generally assigned on Mondays, with Problem Sets due the following Monday, but this varies with holidays and quizzes. Lecture/Problem-solving session attendance is mandatory. TA's and lecturers will act as coach/facilitators during problem-solving sessions. Lectures will be interleaved with team problem-solving sessions and demos. Course Schedule Lecture/Team Problem-solving Sessions You should be familiar with sequences and series, limits, and integration and differentiation of univariate functions. The prerequisite for the course is 18.01. A detailed schedule of topic coverage appears in the calendar section. The goals of the course are summarized in a statement of Course Objectives and Educational Outcomes. The course divides roughly into thirds:įundamental Concepts of Mathematics: Definitions, Proofs, Sets, Functions, Relationsĭiscrete Structures: Modular Arithmetic, Graphs, State machines, Counting This is an introductory course in Discrete Mathematics oriented toward Computer Science and Engineering.

basic number theory outcome from discrete mathematics

Lectures: 3 sessions / week, 1.5 hours / session Contents

Basic number theory outcome from discrete mathematics